Agile Training/Coaching

Be agile Faster

There’s a reason every professional athletic team has a coach, every orchestra a conductor, play a director, and so on: Getting a group to coordinate its efforts happens faster if an experienced eye guides them. In business, the labor hours saved across all employees more than cover the costs of hiring an experienced coach. My services are even cheaper in the long run, as you’ll see below.

Scaled Services for Scaled Agility

My coaching services are scaled to fit your needs, from fractional to full-time:

Service No. of Employees
Radical agile Talk—Provide your organization a counterpoint to the claims of the Agile Industrial Complex (1-4 hours, no sales pitch). Any
1-on-1 Coaching—Coaching on agile management skills, or periodic coach-the-coach support, on an hourly basis. 1
Self-Directed agile—Guiding a team or set of teams to efficiently create its own agile methods (my preferred method). 4-12
Light Scrum for startups—Facilitation of my light application of Scrum principles, for startups that don’t want to create their own methods. 4-12
Facilitation of team-level Scrum or Kanban adoption for a few small teams. ~8-50
Multi-team Scrum/Kanban—Facilitation of adoption at the program level, including creation of new programs. ~36+
Enterprise—Leading the “Process for Agile Transformation” across an entire enterprise (or independent sub-unit). ~100+

“Facilitation” includes gap analysis, brief overview trainings, on-the-job (OJT) training and coaching, and organizational change management. You may choose to have your personnel do some or most of these with 1-on-1 Coaching support.

How the Transformation Works

Pay as You Go for Entrepreneurs

Intended for startups, my coaching approach gives you complete control over your rate of change and therefore your costs, for fees tied to your stage of growth. Single-team startups (up to 12 people) pay an hourly rate half or less of what most Agile training or consulting firms charge. Your initial investment is only three hours’ fees: two for introductory training, and one for an interview beforehand so I can get details on your company needed to customize his delivery. That is the only classroom training. If your team decides to go forward, the real efficiencies are gained my facilitating meetings and/or coaching members to take over. You pay only for the hours I am directly working with members (plus travel and expenses if required). Whether your members do additional tasks needed to adopt agility, or you pay me to do them, is up to you on a task-by-task basis. Once the team has the process down, I train members to facilitate and move on, remaining available for touch-up consulting as needed.

Incremental Change for Multi-Team Organizations

Direct Coaching

Depending on your needs and preferences, I can bring change to larger organizations using either of two ways that reduce concerns and encourage a willingness to try. One is through direct coaching. I interview everyone from executives to employees to learn what issues your teams are facing, provides brief introductory trainings to everyone, and work with up to four small teams at once to install agility within three months per set.

Coach the Coaches

The other method uses the long-proven “train the trainer” approach, with which I convert people who might otherwise lose their jobs into your team of coaches. Agility is implemented change by change, cascaded through those people as part of their on-the-job training. This helps to reduce resistance to agility by retraining existing personnel to take on what I call the “Guidance Roles.”

Why it’s Cheap

First, my system is cheaper to operate than most alternatives. Also, if you choose coaching, you only pay what a contractor or big-firm consultant would get per hour. I have no incentive to “upsell” you on additional classes, certifications, or personnel, because I offer none of those services (and you don’t need them).

How to Get Started

Just tell me how to contact you. You will hear back within two business days to set up a phone meeting. Your information will never be added to an e-mail list or your data shared. Availability may be limited by prior commitments.

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