I have been battling many myths in the business world for 25 years—often, sadly, the same ones. To aid that fight, scientifically valid information needs to be as easily accessible to managers and workers as the myths. This section is my contribution to that effort:
- Teamwork Truths—The basics of teamwork according to research data, as opposed to many myths you may hear in presentations or read on the Web.
- Evidence-Based Management Practices—Internal and external locations of practices likely to improve the performance of any team, because they are based on psychology.
- Troubleshooting—A collection of techniques I gathered through years of research, or created based on that research, for addressing a variety of problems teams often face.
- The Truth about Teambuilding—A “Web book” compiling my writings on a wide variety of teamwork topics, drawn primarily from studies but informed by real-world practice.